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Bolstering Betolar’s DEI competency

Code of Conduct | DEI Learning & Development | DEI Consulting

Betolar is a pioneering materials technology company focusing on turning industrial side streams into value.

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In 2023, deidei collaborated with Betolar to build a strong foundation for their DEI work that complements Betolar’s strong commitment to sustainability. Together we:

  1. Updated and enhanced Betolar’s Code of Conduct through DEI expertise. Now DEI intersects and amplifies the impact of this important document.

  2. Elevated the level of DEI competency within Betolar through two company-wide DEI Fundamentals Trainings, one in English and one Finnish. 

”At Betolar, we believe that true equality means that every single person, regardless of their background, characteristics or beliefs, should have an equal chance at success. Betolar is a melting pot of talent, with over a dozen nationalities represented among our around 60 employees.

But we also know that the work has just started and more needs to be done. That's why we went all-in this year, investing in DE&I initiatives. We kicked things off with a DE&I training led by deidei’s Nelli Ruotsalainen and Priyanka Banerjee. With the support of deidei, we also enriched our Code of Conduct to foster a culture where DE&I are not just principles but ingrained values. We're not just talking the talk – we're walking the walk and want to make sure our entire team is on board.”

melina pinoma picture

Melina Pinoma
ESG & Investor Relations

Need help with kicking off or accelerating the DEI transformation journey in your organization?

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